Homework – Handed In Template

A template to be printed and attached to a classroom wall, for students to tick when they hand in their homework. Enables teacher to see at a quick glance who has and hasn’t finished. Link to a reward program. Those that hand it in the two days after it is handed out receive extra free time or whatever reward program currently used. This is also in Word format to allow amendments to headings.

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Homework – Excuse Letter

A letter writing template for students who didn’t complete their homework to complete. Personal choice regarding sending it to parents, or can be retained and shown to parents during interviews or meetings. Helpful for students to begin to see a pattern for why they aren’t completing homework. Do not allow the excuse of ‘I didn’t have time’ to be used. This is also in Word format to allow amendment to categories.

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Classroom Management – Toilet Visits

A management system to minimize visits to the toilet during class time, linked to a rewards program. Space to write all students names. If a student needs to use the toilet during class time they tick the box on the appropriate day. Each unticked day attracts 5 bonus minutes of free time on a Friday. This is also in Word format to enter all student’s names.

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Classroom Mangement – Free Choice Time Chart

A classroom management system to encourage and reward good and/or expected behaviour. Add or subtract minutes as required. At the end of the week, students have as many free choice time minutes as earned. The teacher determines the choice time activities. Space to write all students names. This is in Word format if additional or different categories are required and to enter all student’s names.

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Classroom Management – Bonus Minutes

A classroom management system to encourage students to bring in items that are required. Allocate ‘bonus’ free time minutes for the week, or link to existing reward program. Space to write all students names. This is also in Word format if additional or different categories are required and to enter all student’s names.

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